What's the most valued thing today ?
I went to meet IBHA madam today and during our talk, she told me a very beautiful concept that i really liked and would definitely like to share with u all..Have u ever thought about the reason why Diamond, Gold are so costlier than other things..
Just becoz they are very rarely present..and if we see in todays context, what things have become rare? Then we can see that Love , affection, honesty,kindness, empathy has become rare in world nowadays. so applying the above funda, we can say that Love , affection, honesty,kindness, empathy are the most valued things nowadays and the person having all these is the most wealthy... and the the good thing about this wealth is tht it will never end..i mean the more u share , the more wealthier u become :)
i have always valued these more than anything in my life and i cud confidently say tht i am a very happy person and pray to GOD tht i always remain in such a happy state..I have seen some of my relatives who are very rich but they are not at all happy..i feel pity on them..what i could make out from this is tht money is not everything..It is jst a means..but i cud see ppl getting into the mad rush of earning money and forgetting to enjoy life..to love and be loved..
I like the quote " Happiness is not a destination but the journey itself " One should enjoy the whole process of reaching the destination..
I would like to say that lets value the most valued things that madam have pointed out and share it among ourselves so that it will get multipied many folds and each and every body will become rich and there will be no poor in this world....
Let takes a pledge today that we will remove the poverty from this world and play a active role in sharing our wealth to all ..
Jai Hind !!!
Just becoz they are very rarely present..and if we see in todays context, what things have become rare? Then we can see that Love , affection, honesty,kindness, empathy has become rare in world nowadays. so applying the above funda, we can say that Love , affection, honesty,kindness, empathy are the most valued things nowadays and the person having all these is the most wealthy... and the the good thing about this wealth is tht it will never end..i mean the more u share , the more wealthier u become :)
i have always valued these more than anything in my life and i cud confidently say tht i am a very happy person and pray to GOD tht i always remain in such a happy state..I have seen some of my relatives who are very rich but they are not at all happy..i feel pity on them..what i could make out from this is tht money is not everything..It is jst a means..but i cud see ppl getting into the mad rush of earning money and forgetting to enjoy life..to love and be loved..
I like the quote " Happiness is not a destination but the journey itself " One should enjoy the whole process of reaching the destination..
I would like to say that lets value the most valued things that madam have pointed out and share it among ourselves so that it will get multipied many folds and each and every body will become rich and there will be no poor in this world....
Let takes a pledge today that we will remove the poverty from this world and play a active role in sharing our wealth to all ..
Jai Hind !!!
jai hind !!!!
If you share Love & whatnot and it will get multiplied, then by your own logic, due to its abundance, it's value will diminish and u'll become poor. So don't share ur love. Keep it urself, that way u'll remain rich.... :)
If you share Love & whatnot and it will get multiplied, then by your own logic, due to its abundance, it's value will diminish and u'll become poor. So don't share ur love. Keep it to urself, that way u'll remain rich.... :)
jst tell me one thing...why do u think is the aim of life? i mean why do people inludge into earning more and more money..jst becoz they feel that they life will be more comfortable then, they will be more happy, they will have more love in their life..they will have more recognition n things like this.. now if i give u in ur life a lot of love, affection, happiness, comfort n all then what all u want more. i mean the very meaning of value will change then...i hope u get what i wanna say..
People don't get into earning more money to become more happy >earning money is like passion .you are not too sure what it is But still it satisfy some of your desire .There is nothing called love exist in this world .there are terms like responsibilities and attachment.Love is more fancy word for this
Rab Da Jogi
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